Yay! My first blog post.  I know it’s not going to be great but, got to start somewhere, right? One of the many reasons I want to manage my own blog is to try and get out of my comfort zone.  I have always been a perfectionist, which, is a blessing and a curse.  I am fantastic with attention to detail, but I struggle so much when I try to initiate my own projects because I’m afraid to fail, even though I know in the back of my mind that if I don’t start at all, I’ve already failed.  So, here I am. 

A little bit about me, my name is Regan Moriguchi (for now, wedding in a few months 😊), I’m in my mid-twenties, I am a recently separated veteran, I start my sophomore year in college in August, and I have a lot of hobbies.  However, with my multiple hobbies, I don’t believe I’m truly passionate about any of them.  I like them a lot (obviously, otherwise why would I keep doing them?), but none of them have “taken over my life” you might say.  I’m on a mission to find what my true passion(s) is.  I know I’m not alone in this predicament, it can take someone years to find their passion.  Though, the stubborn part of me does not want to wait years to find it, even though I know there is nothing wrong with that.  That’s another reason why I’m starting this blog.  I’m hoping it’ll point me in the right direction of what I truly love to do.

If you are curious, here are a list of my various hobbies & interests:

  • Hiking
  • Dancing
  • Kayaking
  • Embroidering
  • Drawing
  • Reading
  • Listening to music
  • Collecting stationary (even though I rarely use them for their purpose, they just look pretty)
  • Writing/journaling
  • Cooking
  • Collecting books
  • Watching YouTube videos

I truly enjoy doing all these activities.  I may obsess over one for a certain amount of time for a while but, I don’t know what happens, nothing ever just sticks forever.  However, with this blog, I plan to write not only some of my life stories and adventures, but about my hobbies, as well, to include any useful tips I’ve learned from along the way.  I hope you enjoy it and can relate to my circumstances of not knowing what to do in life, and learning how to be okay with it!

Thank you for being here and I’m very excited for what’s to come!

6 thoughts on “Yay! My First Blog Post – Setting Goals & Intentions”

  1. Good start! Blog looks great!

    You should check with Brian and get in touch with Aunt in California. She has been hiking all over the world.

    I like your writing style, very natural.

    Keep it up!!


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